We are pleased to provide you with a concise overview of our recent efforts concerning the National Housing and Homelessness Plan.
Our submission to the consultation focuses on two areas:
1. Inclusive Planning: Amplifying Diverse Voices
We recommend that the Plan and any responses to homelessness are centred around the insights and expertise of people who have experienced or have been at risk of homelessness.
Background information provided on the development of the Plan indicates that it will involve broad public consultation, including with people with lived experience. We would urge that the government takes a step further than consultation and towards co-design. We firmly believe that for any effective strategy to address homelessness, the experiences and expertise of those who have faced or been at risk of homelessness must be central.
2. Fair Urban Development: Advocacy for Equitable Zoning
We recommend that the interim National Housing Supply and Affordability Council considers progressing Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning (MIZ) as a real, implementable strategy to increase the supply of social and affordable housing.
Social and affordable housing supply does not meet demand currently or into the future for people living in Australia. Rental affordability has crashed to record lows. One approach to increasing supply of affordable rental housing is the introduction of MIZ. The key benefit of MIZ is the creation of an ongoing pipeline of supply which does not require additional government funding.
MIZ occurs when a specified affordable housing contribution is required as a condition for development consent on a market housing (or other) project. In delivering on MIZ obligations, affordable housing units must be provided within their project or elsewhere. Otherwise, an equivalent contribution may be paid towards such housing, with the lands/funds being passed to an affordable housing provider. MIZ enables locational equity and the creation of diverse and inclusive communities by making affordable housing available to those (e.g. key workers) who would otherwise be unable to afford housing.
Next Steps: A Commitment to Progress Beyond Documentation
Our submission signifies more than mere paperwork; it embodies a dedicated commitment to fostering a more inclusive and promising future. We invite you to delve into the intricacies of our proposal, explore our innovative approaches, and engage with us on this transformative journey towards positive and impactful urban development.