Our Impact

multi-sector network of 2000 Individuals
Devoted to tackling the fundamental causes of homelessness in Australia.

Dynamic Housing Approach
Devised a feasibility model aimed at amplifying the availability of social housing. Successfully implemented in Tasmania, leading to a noteworthy doubling of social housing.

Social Lab
Mobilised multi-sector teams of volunteers who generously contribute their time to explore and amplify solutions to homelessness.

Empowering Solutions
Facilitated the creation and funding of a pilot program targeted at providing essential housing for women and children experiencing Domestic and Family Violence (DFV) in Queensland.

Co-Creation for Impact
Collaboratively designed the Narrunga Nations Elder Village

Developed research and practical insights
Established an extensive repository of research and practical insights concerning the integration of lived experience into homelessness prevention endeavors.

Leading practice approach to lived experience inclusion
Development of a Lived Experience Practice Framework, detailing the principles and practices that we draw from and use as part of our commitment to lived experience inclusion; the theories that have informed our ways of working; and our lessons and learnings from the journey so far.

First Nations Engagement
Co-designed an adaptable approach to First Nations leadership, endorsed by First Nations leaders and representatives, including Reconciliation Australia and the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Housing Association
View our projects