The Priority Project concept was developed through a social lab, where the Constellation Project convened expertise from businesses like PwC, the Not-for-Profit sector (including The Salvation Army and Mission Australia), McGrath North Lakes and other real estate agents and researchers. Critically, it involved the insights of people with lived experience of homelessness and Domestic and Family Violence (DFV).
The social lab team focused on developing innovative housing solutions to alleviate homelessness for women experiencing domestic violence. It revealed that there is no coordinated effort by any organisation to involve property owners in the provision of housing for women experiencing DFV. Consultation during this project with property owners and real estate agents established that some property owners would prioritise rental to women who have experienced DFV. This relates to investments properties being rented to this priority group at full market rent or at discounted market rent.
The Priority Project is a rental register to provide mid to long term housing for women who have experienced DFV. As of July 2023, this model has now progressed to a pilot stage, after Mission Australia received corporate funding to deliver the model with partners. Head to the Mission Australia website for more details.
The Priority Project will ensure women and their children:
The Priority Project will enable stakeholders to:
The ABS 2016 Personal Safety Survey found that out of 756,800 women who left their homes due to DFV there were:
instances of women staying with friends or family
instances of staying at a shelter or refuge
instances of staying at a motel or similar accommodation
instances of staying at a boarding house/hostel
instances of women sleeping rough.
These numbers indicate that the majority of women who experience DFV experience primary or secondary homelessness when leaving their homes.
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